Spring Cleaning for Your Brain


Janine Wittwer



I am an International Coaching Federation-certified life coach at the ACC level, as well as a Professor at Westminster University. I completed my coach training at Coach U, and my PhD in Mathematics at the University of Chicago. I founded Inner Harmony Coaching in 2020. My clients are mostly educated women who wish to make the most of their professional and personal lives.

Spring Cleaning for your Brain

This time of year, many of us get an urge to clean up the cobwebs in our homes, reorganize the closets, and spruce up our yards. But your living space is not the only thing that may have accumulated dust during the winter. Does your brain feel as if it is running a bit slower than it used to? I know mine does!

Here are some tips to jump-start your brain for the season:

  1. Learn something new: You don’t need to enroll in a college program to reap the benefit of learning! Figuring out how to cook a new meal, grow a new plant or trying a new craft all can help to get your sluggish brain moving again.
  2. Meet folks you haven’t seen in a while: Many of us have been hiding away from society. Make a point to meet some friends you haven’t seen in a while. It is getting warm enough to meet for a walk or a picnic, if you prefer to be outdoors.
  3. Get Outside! The air might still be cool, but the trees are blooming, and there is a general sense of renewal in the air. Go breath some fresh air, take a walk in the neighborhood, find a patio or garden with pretty spring flowers.
  4. Exercise: Exercise is an excellent way to invigorate your brain. Many of us stop exercising in winter – who wants to go out in the cold?!! Sorry, that excuse doesn’t work anymore.:) Consider exercising with a friend – you are much more likely to stick to it.